The Undergraduate Computer Science Research Symposium (UCORE) offers an opportunity to undergraduate students in the School of Computer Science at McGill who have been involved in summer research to submit and present their work. This allows students to learn about the breadth of computer science research and share their accomplishments with a wide audience.
UCORE adopted a new format in 2019: a poster session featuring undergraduate research in the department. The student researchers will display posters in a casual, open setting (with food and drink!) to interested participants. (For interested participants: resources for creating a poster can be found in the Resources page.) They should prepare a short walk-through talk about the research and be ready to discuss with their peers, the rest of the department, and a program committee. The program committee will evaluate each poster presentation based on the visual quality and the verbal pitch and provide feedback to the student authors on their presentation.
We ask interested students to submit an abstract and title to the submission server in order to register for the symposium. All students interested in presenting a research project are accepted. This follows the model of the ACM student research competition and many other workshops in computer science.
Each submission should include the student author's (authors') name(s), institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and research advisor's name in addition to the title and an extended abstract addressing the following:
Submitted abstracts should be in PDF, formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines. The abstract should not exceed 600 words (excluding references).
The extended abstract should be submitted to the EasyChair submission server.